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Thursday, 22 November 2012

Facebook Account Creator

DeadLine's File Binder

This application can be used to bind two files together into one executable file

Download Network Hack Course Tutorial (Full 3 CD Pack)

This is a 3-CD's Hack Tutorial Pack which covers all WiFi  Network Hacking Procedures and Guides for Hacking Tools

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Internet Download Manager Life-Time Activation

Internet download manager is a fastest download manager to increase your download range speed of your corresponding downloading files like videos ,movies,mp3 files or any other files and applications 

Monday, 19 November 2012

Auto Confirm Friend Request For Facebook

With this script you can automatically accept friend requests in a sec

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Web Hacking With DVNA

(DVNA) Damn Vulnerable Web Application  is a collection of website hacking tool based on PHP / mySQL. DVWA may be an option for beginners to learn web hacking web hacking techniques from scratch. Various techniques web hacking attacks can be obtained from this tool. Besides easy to use, lightweight and complete, DVWA run through a local server (localhost) using WAMP / XAMP / LAMP and others

Paki Hacking Tool Kit By Dr. Trojan

Paki Hacking ToolKit v 1.0 which contains Following Features

Remote Administrator with ProRat v1.9

Prorat is one of RAT (Remote Administration Tools) are widely used to take over the computer system. Tool made by PRO Group, a group of Turkish hackers community, can be used as a tool Hacking computers in a network. Use of Prorat quite simple, you simply enter the IP (Internet Protocol) is the target computer and then go through one open port. The hardest part is finding where an open port. But you can use a variety of network analysis tools such as nmap, Ethercap, LookHost, etc

Hack SQLi Vulnrable Websites with SQL map: Automatic SQL Injection Tools

qlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers

PHP Dos/DDOS (Denial Of Service) Attack Script

You Can Make a DoS attack from your server (using that nice high bandwidth connection provided by your hosting provider) to bring your victims server/PC to its knees.
 This script should be used responsibly, I did not create it, I'm merely distributing it for “educational” purposes

Thursday, 15 November 2012


get face-book, status likes instantly with this site, no spamming, likes unlimited

Net Tools © 2012

Net Tools is a comprehensive set of host monitoring, network scanning, security, administration tools and much more, all with a highly intuitive user interface. It's an ideal tool for those who work in the network security, administration, training, internet forensics or law enforcement internet crimes fields. Net Tools is mainly written in Microsoft Visual Basic 6, Visual C++, Visual C# and Visual Studio .NET.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Facebook Auto Friend Adder

If you are a Facebook Friend Adding Maniac then you are well suited to use this tool. This tool will help you quench the thirst of an irresistible impulse to send a friend request on Facebook :D

The Rats Crew - AIO {File Pumper/Windows Extension Spoofer/Icon Changer}


File Pumper
Extension Spoofer
Icon Changer

The Most Dangerous Hack Tools Ready For Download

Hack Tools (important for real hackers)

BeEF: Browser Exploitation Framework

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) is a powerful professional security tool. BeEF is pioneering techniques that provide the experienced penetration tester with practical client side attack vectors

Cain and Abel

Cain & Abel is a password recovery tool for Microsoft Operating Systems. It allows easy recovery of various kind of passwords by sniffing the network, cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary, Brute-Force and Crypt analysis attacks, recording VoIP conversations, decoding scrambled passwords, recovering wireless network keys, revealing password boxes, uncovering cached passwords and analyzing routing protocols

Ace Translator v9.6.3 + Key

A handy translation tool for your daily multilingual needs. Now with text-to-speech feature, and supports 65 languages

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Windows 8 AIO 16 In 1 RTM MSDN Original

Version's Included in this ISO are:

Chip And Pin Payment Card System Vulnerable To Card Cloning

At a cryptography gathering in Leuven, Belgium, on Tuesday, Cambridge University researchers made it known that they do not like what they see in chip and pin systems. The chip and PIN system employed by most European and Asian banks is definitely more secure than the magnetic strip one, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have its flaws.

Universal All Softwares Keygen Generator 2013 | Free Download

Download Universal Keygen For All Software. Universal Keygen/Serial Key Genarator 2012-2013.You can generate most of your software key by using this software. This is a very useful software.

How To Scan UDP Protocol Open Port For Free Internet (UDP/TCP Port Scanner)

Using Port Peeker

The above procedure can find local port only but this procedure can find the remote port also so lets start

Mobile Internet Handlers Download

Internet | Handler UI

Hack Websites Database Using Xpath Injection

Everyday many website gets hacked by hackers but most of the hackers are hacking those website just for popularity nothing else. Today i am writing this tutorial on XPath Injection, in which i will explain you, How Hackers Hack Website Using XPath Injection. In a typical Web Application architecture, all data is stored on a Database server. This Database server store data in various formats like an LDAP, XML or RDBMS database. The application queries the server and accesses the information based on the user input. 
Normally attackers try to extract more information than allowed by manipulating or using the query with specially crafted inputs.Here, in this tutorial we’ll be discussing XPATH Injection techniques to extract data from XML databases.
Before we go deeper into XPATH injection lets take a brief look at what XML and XPath. 

What is XML?

How To Recover Permanently Deleted Files (Alt+Ctrl+Del)

Sometimes we delete important files permanently by mistake and stay blank after we realize that the file was an important one.  Mistakes like these happen sometimes, all you need to do is to be prepared for situations like this

Saturday, 10 November 2012

400,000 Universal Windows Drivers Pack Full Version Download

No more CDs for every hardware you have. Just install the DVD and update all the drivers on your PC

Watch Live TV Channels and Movies For Free on the Internet With TVUPlayer

Earlier we wrote about “Watch Your Favorite TV Channels for Free With StreamTorrent” and “Watch TV, Latest Movies and Listen to Radio With Readon TV Movie Radio Player“. Here is another player called TVUPlayer which provides you the best way to watch TV on the Internet. TVUPlayer provides you a free global live TV service that you can watch on your Windows PC or Mac over a broadband Internet connection.


The KMPlayer v3.4.0.55 Portable

KMP is a Application